When a student enters the junior high building (any time between 7:30-7:55) wearing a mask, he/she needs to report to their homeroom and wait for the teacher's instruction on getting prepared for the day. They may visit with their classmates, as long as they leave their masks on, while they wait for instructions. Students will be marked tardy if not in the building by 7:55.
On Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays, students begin the day with electives. Thursday is mass day for the junior high. We will leave for church at 7:55. If your child is late on any morning, they must check in at the office before coming to class our church.
P.E./Health classes are Mondays through Fridays. Until further notice the students will not change for PE. When we get back to normal, the student must bring his/her P.E. uniform EVERYDAY in a gym bag. PE grades are based on wearing proper PE uniforms. Please make sure everything is marked with his/her name.
Lunch will be in our classroom where the students will sit in thei assigned seats. Birthdays will be celebrated during lunch. Treats must be store bought.
Another reminder is about the school’s textbooks. The books are the property of the school and are not to be written in or destroyed in any way by the student. Failure to keep books in good condition could lead to the student having to purchase the book(s). Also, Chomebooks also need to be charged when students come to class.
Homework is any activity or assignment directed by the teacher to be performed outside the classroom that may include projects, practicing skills learned in class, reading, studying, or completions of class assignments.
Homework is an integral part of the learning process. Schools in which homework is routinely assigned and assessed tend to have higher achieving students. Homework will be used for preparation, practice, extension of classroom time/concepts, and fostering of creativity and should routinely reflect efforts designed to achieve mastery of St. Patrick Performance Standards.
Homework activities include, by are not limited to the following:
- Completing any written homework or class work that is due the following day
- Working on long-range assignments, papers, or projects
- Studying and reviewing notes/materials covered in class each day
- Reading the textbook and becoming familiar with the vocabulary words used in class
- Studying for tests
- Reading Accelerated Reader book on a nightly basis
- Assignments turned in late will be graded with 10% deducted from grade earned each day an assignment is late. Corections cannot be made on late assignments
- Assignments turned in a week late will receive a 0% .
St. Patrick School requires that the students attend school dressed appropriately and groomed in such a way as to promote self-dignity, pride, and self-worth. Parent’s cooperation in supporting the school’s uniform code will form the foundation for the implementation and success of these standards.
Students are expected to be in proper uniform as stated in the Student-Parent Handbook. PLEASE READ THIS SECTION WITH YOUR CHILD/CHILDREN SO THEY KNOW WHAT THE UNIFORM
CODE IS. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure compliance to our uniform code. Students will be given a two week grace period before compliance becomes mandatory. A student in violation of the school uniform dress code may be subject to various disciplinary measures: